Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tech Deck Dude Check List

Netherlands proposes to close coffee shops

The Dutch prime minister's party calls for end to 'coffee shops'

  • say that Dutch society no longer supports this formula.
  • considers that the policy of allowing these premises where smoking hashish, has failed.
  • also ensures that the rest of the game are also preferred a tougher line.

The party of Prime Minister Netherlands, Christian Democrat Jan-Peter Balkenende wants to end the Coffee Shops (stores where it is allowed to sell and smoke hashish) in holding that the policy of tolerance has failed.

This has been assured the party's chairman, Pieter van Geel, during the training conference, held this Saturday in Utrecht (central Mexico), according to the agency ANP. Van Geel estimated that Coffee Shops are ineffective and there remains behind an illegal industry that is enriched and, in his view, not be deleted by the current policy of tolerance.

According to Van Geel, society no longer supports the current formula , that the sale of soft drugs is not regulated by law but tolerated in some places, provided they meet certain conditions. The Christian Democrats CDA also ensure that other parties are also preferred a tougher line.

However, the Labour PvdA has responded immediately and Van Geel has ensured that the problems of crime and public health will not disappear with the closing of the coffeeshops. "We are in favor of regulation but against a ban, then we can set better regulate and control conditions," he said in a statement the congresswoman Lea Bouwmeester

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Many Mmbers Does A Gym Have

Obama wins U.S. election

Participation Mass in a historic election day for the U.S.. The results, state by state on our Map of Elecciones.McCain congratulates Obama and the entire African American community.
all expectations were met ... and history was made. Century and a half after the abolition of slavery, Barack Obama, 47, has become the first black president of the United States, beating Republican John McCain, according to all projections of the major U.S. television networks.
After a marathon day in which the long lines to vote lasted for several hours, Obama will fulfill his dream of reaching the White House. The first schools
U.S. election began closing their doors at midnight on Tuesday November 4, English time (in this country of more than 300 million people and six time zones, schools closed in stages, starting with the East Coast the country and ending in the far Hawaii).
For one of the candidates claimed victory that would provide needed 270 electoral votes, out of a possible 538.

The election night, minute by minute

  • 5:59 pm Obama appeared before the public in Chicago with his wife and daughters. "E l change has come," he says. Remains serious and finds it hard to smile.

  • 5:40 pm the absence of data from the West Coast, the projections give Obama the victory in 23 states, over 45 million votes. Democratic candidate would have surpassed the barrier of 300 electoral votes , getting 333, compared with 146, John McCain, would have won in 18 states. His victory was cemented in achieving key states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan, New York and, now, Virginia, where a Democrat was not due for over 40 years and probably Florida.

  • 5:35 pm 's still president, George W. Bush congratulated by telephone the elected president, Barack Obama on his victory in elections. He did just minutes after meeting the final polls of television.

  • 5:20 pm McCain appears before the press and congratulated Barack Obama and the U.S. black community. Recognizes that this is a historic moment .

  • 5:05 pm Grant Park Chicago, where they have gathered thousands of followers of Obama, explodes in a giant explosion of euphoria when CNN announced that the Democratic nominee will become the next president of the United States. Following the announcement of the projections of the television networks, Obama is expected to appear at any time here to go to the American people.
  • 5:02 pm Based on their projections, the major television networks of the U.S. (CNN, CBS, Fox ..) give Barack Obama won the election, and proclaim him as the first black president in the history of country 42 years after it was allowed black citizens to vote.

  • 4:58 pm projections confirm Fox's victory Obama in key state: Virginia.

  • 4:55 pm In five minutes polling stations closed California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington.

  • 4:40 pm The New York Times given at this time the Democratic Party of Obama 164 seats in the House of Representatives (Congress) and 102 Republicans of McCain. The Democrats would gain 7 seats, they would lose the Republicans, leaving 169 seats still to be decided, and still needed 218 to get the majority.

  • 4:37 pm New data official: Obama is winning so far in Pennsylvania (62% of votes counted), Ohio (36%), Virginia (a state in the last election voted for Republican George W. Bush - 86% of votes counted-), Colorado (9%) and Arizona (2%). McCain, meanwhile, is gaining in Indiana (86% of votes counted), South Carolina (64%) and Texas (31%). In Florida, with 67% of votes counted, the count is still very tight, but Obama is slightly ahead. In North Carolina (77% of votes counted), there is stalemate.

  • 4:18 pm The last screening of the CNN gives Obama 207 votes election, and McCain , 129.

  • 4:12 pm In the Senate, Democrats have succeeded in expanding its position majority according to projections by television networks. Currently, Democrats have 51 seats, including two independents who usually vote with them, vs. 49 Republicans. The Democrats were joined by four new seats and now would add 55.

  • 4:03 pm More projections by CNN: McCain wins Kansas (6 electoral votes) and Utah (5 votes), Obama in Iowa (7 votes).

  • 3:50 pm Second summary Democratic candidate Barack Obama , would remain at the head in counting electoral votes after the win in 18 states, including two key , Pennsylvania and Ohio, according to projections and surveys of television, Efe reported. At 03.30 pm (English time), Obama would have joined 200 electoral votes (270 needed to become president), while Republican John McCain , with 11 states have 109 electoral votes, as long as those projections. In Florida count appears to favor Obama, but the broadcasters do not dare yet to confirm. The fight is being very tight in Virginia and Indiana. McCain would have won in the southern states.

  • 3:43 pm Official data : Obama is winning in Ohio (9% of votes counted), Pennsylvania (18%), Florida (48%), North Carolina (37%) and Illinois (1%); McCain, in Kentucky (47% of votes counted), Indiana (65%), Virginia (67%), South Carolina (12%) and Texas (1%).

  • 3:30 pm McCain wins, according to projections by U.S. television stations in Texas , a state that provides 34 votes. Obama you would in New Mexico. Mississippi and Louisiana begin the count.

  • 3:20 pm According to projections made by the CNN poll, Obama has won 5 of the 14 states which closed at 04.00 h, and addition and 179 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. McCain would have been 104 electoral votes.

  • 3:15 pm According to CNN, Obama has made victory in Wisconsin, Michigan, Rhode Island, New York (traditionally Democratic stronghold, but where is that out rival Sen. Obama in the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton ) and Minnesota. McCain would have won, according to these same projections, Wyoming and North Dakota.

  • 2:59 pm The NBC gives McCain as the victor in Georgia (15 electoral votes in play), one of the states with which the Republican candidate had from the beginning. McCain would have won also Arkansas and Alabama. The three states belong to south of the country, which traditionally votes for the Republican Party.

  • 2:54 pm Thousands begin to take to the streets of Chicago, the hometown Barack Obama. The streets around Grant Park in downtown, they begin to crowd of supporters of Democratic candidate , expect a festive mood clearly the results of the elections.

  • 2:40 pm A first summary Of the 15 states plus the District of Columbia, who closed their polling stations at 20.00 (02.00 English time), would Obama won in nine, according to projections chains television. These would be Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Illinois and Pennsylvania. A John McCain, the same projections give the win in three: Tennessee, Oklahoma and South Carolina. In Florida, Obama would win, although CNN has not yet confirmed adventure. And even four other missing data: Alabama, New Hampshire, Mississippi and Missouri. Earlier, Obama would have to win in Vermont and McCain in Kentucky and West Virginia.

  • 2:35 pm New data from Florida, a state where there are 27 crucial electoral votes at stake, with 32% counted, Obama wins with 52% compared to 46% for McCain.

  • 2:24 pm According to projections by major television channels in the U.S., Obama is imposed Pennsylvania other states that may decide the outcome. If confirmed, it would be a blow for McCain, who along with Republican vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, visited the state as much as 10 times in recent weeks to try to scratch score.

  • 2:18 pm First official count data Ohio: counted 1%, 65% for Obama, 35% for McCain. The state of Ohio is very important (there are 20 votes at stake ). In the last election results were delayed for several hours.

  • 02: 15 h. In the survey carried out so far, and as reported by local television, Obama would have gotten 77 electoral votes, and McCain, 34.

  • 2:06 pm More polls closed: District of Columbia, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois , Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Tennessee . In the first eight (including capital) polls give Obama the winner, in Tennessee and Oklahoma, to McCain.

  • 1:46 pm Obama is winning in South Carolina (first results) and takes advantage Florida (10 points with 4% of the votes counted). Both states voted for Bush in past elections. In Ohio are about to close the schools.

  • 1:40 pm begins recount in Florida, one of the most important states and there will be more disputes. The first American television polls give McCain five votes West Virginia election.

  • 01.35 h. McCain would have won in Kentucky (52% of the vote compared to 47% for Obama), while Obama would have done Vermont, according to preliminary projections of the television. In Indiana, McCain is minimally lead with 49.9%, compared to 49% of the Illinois senator. In Virginia, with 1% of votes counted, the Republican gets 55% of the votes while his opponent has 44%.

  • 01.20 h. closed polling stations in six Eastern states, including Virginia and Indiana, judged to key. They have also finished voting and Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina and Vermont.

  • 00. 00 h . Indiana and Kentucky are the first polls to close its doors, at 18.00 local (00.00 English time). Opinion polls consider Kentucky, which has eight electoral votes, a state favorable to Republican presidential candidate John McCain, but Indiana, which has eleven votes, is one of the states "hinge" that can end both side of it as that of his rival, Democrat Barack Obama, and results will be key to determining the final result.

Monday, November 3, 2008

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Galician names are a minority among the most common in the region

  • Only 12% of parents choose for their children a Galician name.
  • The Universidade de Vigo encourages 'galleguizar' registration.

To call Xoán, Iago, Helena Sabela sounds strange or even in Galicia. Galician parents prefer their children be called Juan, Santiago, Elena and Isabel . According to statistical data from the names of newborns in Galicia, developed by the IGE, only 12% of them receive a name indigenous to the community.

Paul and Lucia

For children, the most common name is Paul and currently the most common first name Galician language for them is Brais, which ranks tenth in the ranking of the 50 most common.
For girls, Lucy is the preferred name, although the names and Antia Noa Galician are among the ten most common. In the women also triumph Basque names as Neil or Iria.

To encourage citizens to galleguizar your name, Universidade de Vigo has been Campaign launched to Xeito Chamat in the reporting of all procedures to be followed for the name change of Castilian Galician civil registry.

"Many surnames were acastrapados Galician by the influence of Castilian, but there is a Galician

The goal, according to the director of the Language Standardisation Area, University of Vigo, Xosé Henrique Costas, is to educate people that "many Galician surnames were acastrapados by the influence of Castilian and Galician there is a way."

According to Professor of the Universidade de Santiago, Anabel Boullón the anarchic castellanización of names affects 16 percent of the same names and the percentage is "moire maior."

Franco Taxation

Castilianization as Boullón, was due "to the impositions of the Kingdom of Castile and the Church. During and l Franco, civil registration law required to put names Castilian children. "

Internet Simulator

campaign Universidade de Vigo to promote galleguización account names with a website. . It provides information on procedures to do, or a simulator to see how your name in Galician. There is also a list of names in some missing, for example, Rocío.