Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tech Deck Dude Check List

Netherlands proposes to close coffee shops

The Dutch prime minister's party calls for end to 'coffee shops'

  • say that Dutch society no longer supports this formula.
  • considers that the policy of allowing these premises where smoking hashish, has failed.
  • also ensures that the rest of the game are also preferred a tougher line.

The party of Prime Minister Netherlands, Christian Democrat Jan-Peter Balkenende wants to end the Coffee Shops (stores where it is allowed to sell and smoke hashish) in holding that the policy of tolerance has failed.

This has been assured the party's chairman, Pieter van Geel, during the training conference, held this Saturday in Utrecht (central Mexico), according to the agency ANP. Van Geel estimated that Coffee Shops are ineffective and there remains behind an illegal industry that is enriched and, in his view, not be deleted by the current policy of tolerance.

According to Van Geel, society no longer supports the current formula , that the sale of soft drugs is not regulated by law but tolerated in some places, provided they meet certain conditions. The Christian Democrats CDA also ensure that other parties are also preferred a tougher line.

However, the Labour PvdA has responded immediately and Van Geel has ensured that the problems of crime and public health will not disappear with the closing of the coffeeshops. "We are in favor of regulation but against a ban, then we can set better regulate and control conditions," he said in a statement the congresswoman Lea Bouwmeester


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