Monday, November 3, 2008

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Galician names are a minority among the most common in the region

  • Only 12% of parents choose for their children a Galician name.
  • The Universidade de Vigo encourages 'galleguizar' registration.

To call Xoán, Iago, Helena Sabela sounds strange or even in Galicia. Galician parents prefer their children be called Juan, Santiago, Elena and Isabel . According to statistical data from the names of newborns in Galicia, developed by the IGE, only 12% of them receive a name indigenous to the community.

Paul and Lucia

For children, the most common name is Paul and currently the most common first name Galician language for them is Brais, which ranks tenth in the ranking of the 50 most common.
For girls, Lucy is the preferred name, although the names and Antia Noa Galician are among the ten most common. In the women also triumph Basque names as Neil or Iria.

To encourage citizens to galleguizar your name, Universidade de Vigo has been Campaign launched to Xeito Chamat in the reporting of all procedures to be followed for the name change of Castilian Galician civil registry.

"Many surnames were acastrapados Galician by the influence of Castilian, but there is a Galician

The goal, according to the director of the Language Standardisation Area, University of Vigo, Xosé Henrique Costas, is to educate people that "many Galician surnames were acastrapados by the influence of Castilian and Galician there is a way."

According to Professor of the Universidade de Santiago, Anabel Boullón the anarchic castellanización of names affects 16 percent of the same names and the percentage is "moire maior."

Franco Taxation

Castilianization as Boullón, was due "to the impositions of the Kingdom of Castile and the Church. During and l Franco, civil registration law required to put names Castilian children. "

Internet Simulator

campaign Universidade de Vigo to promote galleguización account names with a website. . It provides information on procedures to do, or a simulator to see how your name in Galician. There is also a list of names in some missing, for example, Rocío.


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