Friday, March 11, 2011

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333. FORTUNY and splendor of the Spanish watercolor at the Museum of Prado

Mariano Fortuny y Marsal (1838-1874),
Menippus Copies of Velázquez, 1866.
Watercolor on paper 620 x 470 mm.
Ramón de Errazu 1904 Legacy

M useum del Prado, Madrid (Spain)

2 March - September 4 201 a

Room 60: presentation room collections

U na new selection of funds from the nineteenth century is shown temporarily in the "collection presentation room" created to show a rotating series of works of this century do not usually exposed and elected from among its ample funds because of their interest and quality. With the decision to create this temporary exhibition space as a closure of the route of the nineteenth century collections, the museum now features the same excellent set of watercolors by the great Catalan master Mariano Fortuny and his disciples and followers. Titled "Fortuny and splendor of the English watercolor in the Prado Museum, the gallery contains thirteen of the best watercolors of nineteenth-century artists who reached the highest perfection in the use of this painting technique. It is a rare opportunity to see these works as, due to their special physical characteristics, they can not show as usual. museum-of-meadow /


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