Monday, October 27, 2008

Sharks Birthday Invitations Wording

Galician women appreciate sex more Spanish than the rest of Albert Einstein Famous Quotes

  • Most are "very satisfied" with their sex lives.
  • Gynecologists say that is because they care and feel safe. "

  • L as Galician women are among the English more satisfied with their sex lives. So says at least Ephesus study, which collects more than half of Galicia (53%) are "very satisfied" in this field.

    are at the same level as the Basque and Catalan , but are overtaken by Valencia. And in the Levantine community sexual satisfaction reached 58% of females.

    positive influence.

    "Women are being cared feels good and safe and are likely to positively influence their sexual desire and sexual relationships," says Javier Ferrer gynecologist.

    And, as is clear from the study Ephesus (first establishes a relationship between vaginal pH and sexuality), a vaginal pH suitable is associated with greater sexual satisfaction.

    The detailed study has been conducted by the English Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, along with the English Association for the Study of Menopause, and recently introduced throughout the country.


    But Galician women have few complaints about their relationships, it seems, not to men. According to a study conducted by the Sociedade Galega of Sexology, more than one third of men Galician (35%) have a satisfying sex life. Those who manage more pleasure, according to the report, are those with a level of higher studies.

    The frequency of having sex on average stands in Galicia between one to three times per week.


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