Thursday, May 5, 2011

Riker Island Inmate Visiting Hours

Foreign Exchange Reserves of Taiwan amounted to U.S. $ 400,000 million

Ante el anuncio por parte de Estados Unidos de la muerte de líder de la organización terrorista Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, el portavoz de la Oficina Presidencial Lo Chih-chiang declaró el día 3 que el presidente Ma Ying-jeou, ha dado instrucciones a los organismos pertinentes para que presten la debida atención al desarrollo de la situación internacional y a la aplicación de las medidas antiterroristas. Asimismo el presidente apeló a la tranquilidad de la población e indicó que el gobierno llevará a cabo las preparaciones oportunas.
Lo Chih-chiang señaló que el presidente Ma has instructed relevant agencies to be alert to the development of international situation, to control its response, and to meet the requirements necessary measures against terrorism, including strengthening of airports, ports and other facilities transport, and improving the safety of the community of overseas Taiwanese.

Lo Chih-chiang said that President Ma has called on the population to remain calm since the government will carry out adequate preparations to protect citizens and safeguard national security. Regarding the military aspects of the response, the Defense Ministry spokesman Shao-ho thing Day 3 stated that national security should be supported by military forces in the tasks of combating terrorism. The

Shao-ho said: "The National Security Council under the leadership of the National Security Office of the Executive Yuan has organized a group of international forces for security assistance, and increased active members national army in the fight against terrorism, we depend on changes in the system of mission support in the fight against terrorism, this group of international force to assist the security is formed as everyone knows by the police unit Military and army units land and sea. "

Moreover, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said that it has asked the police units to enhance the care and protection of the safety of foreigners in Taiwan, including the facilities of the Institute American in Taiwan (AIT).

also the Foreign Ministry spokesman James Chang said the Foreign Ministry will follow closely the development of international situation, to establish smooth travel alert. Today, the travel warning is in color gray, which means that care should be increased.




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