Thursday, October 23, 2008

Capillary Burst Vomit

A Young received a fine of 7,500 euros for a child to snuff on the street

  • Civil Guard warned him that he could commit the offense.
  • Young ignored and received five months after the penalty.
  • His lawyer asked for identifying the alleged child.

A young Barcelona 18 years old could face a fine of 7,500 euros for giving a child to snuff out of a nightclub in the town of Fraga (Huesca).

La Guardia Civil Huesca municipality opened last May, a record administrative penalty to the young Marc Martínez, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) for having allegedly given a cigarette to a child in the car park of the club Florida 135 the May 1. According

record includes the Civil Guard, released by the Heraldo de Aragón, "in the presence of agents of the Guardia Civil and after being advised of the infraction that could make the record work handed over to snuff a minor stating that he takes snuff who wants that no one can prevent and that recognizes only such authority to the Catalan police.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of Aragon suggested impose a fine young 7,500 euros, pending the end of the period of claims and resolve the record.

A fine "alarming and disproportionate"

Meanwhile, the lawyer for Marc, Sierra Hug, deny the facts which can be attributed to his client and, as confirmed by the Ministry of Sanitation, and "has brought various claims .

Sierra on Wednesday denied the facts on RNE and said that this is a fine " alarming and totally disproportionate."

however, confirmed the contents of the disciplinary proceedings and ensures that Civil Guard officers Marc warned him not to snuff the alleged child and that he "said he is who he pleased."

Counsel requests that the Government of Aragon to identify the lower course identity and place this on their knowledge to check the veracity of the complaint.

For its part, the Guardia Civil Huesca assured that it is "an administrative complaint over" and that " we will not give more importance .

Under Article 19 of the Anti-Tobacco Act, the allegations could constitute misconduct and punishable by a fine of between 601 and 10,000 euros .

20 minutes


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