Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ice Skate Sharpening Columbus Oh


approaches. It thus appears that the tierrras could move by itself and that region of Italy browse slowly approaching the Mediterranean to Spain.'s not about that. It is an agreement to be infected and is now affecting the entire university community.
Many people shrug their shoulders in ignorance when asked about this issue, and also many who pretend to rejection. The truth is that (both students and teachers) do not know much about it and sometimes we think without knowing too much. The fault is not entirely ours. Missing
dissemination and discussion spaces for to know about the European Higher Education Area. are now appearing. For example, there is the Vice President URJC harmonization and convergence, body not found in other prestigious universities. But some of us think it is late. The agreement was signed without giving too much to those affected and now appear critical voices. We can not turn back. We are in a process that we face and we can only now be informed.
European universities are making an effort to unify its educational programs. They take aciendo since 1999, when the Ministers of Education of the European Union signed the Bologna DecalaraciĆ³n . It is a convergence plan which aims to facilitate the exchange of students and graduates in the countries of the Union. It also aims to adapt the content of the studies to social demands.
The Bologna Process, which must be implemented by 2010, involve a change in mentality. Excepting more cars or Veterinary Medicine complex as the other qualifications will be for three years. To complete the training and spatializing, students will attend the official master, which will be offered by the universities themselves. Prices range between 1000 and 6000 euros.

students to fund scholarships, loan appear. Students who request may receive an amount of money to be returned aWhen get the average wage. If 15 are not well-paid jobs, are exempt from repaying the loan.
College students who study within the European Higher Education Area will receive a supplement the title, which describes the course taken and allow the approval in other European countries.


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