Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Unit 32 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate-Advanced) - It is Said That, He Is Said to, He is supposed to

In this week’s lesson we are going to focus on the so-called “Impersonal Passives”, a special kind of sentences which are only possible with verbs of perception such as “think”, “say”, “know”, “believe”, “rumour”, etc.

1) First of all, let’s review all types of passive sentences (including impersonal passives, the “causative have” and passives with two objects) with this presentation .

2) Here you will find some theory in English about impersonal passives. Notice that There Are Two Different Ways to form the passive of verbs like Those Mentioned Above.

3) Now, let's try this in September of Exercise:

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6 Exercise 7

4) Translate Into the Following sentences Inglés:

- It is rumored that the U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama has changed his style.

- was thought to be the oldest man in Tokyo.

- It is said that dozens of anti-establishment activists have been arrested following the protests on Friday.

- It is believed that, currently, North Korea is producing Scud missiles.

- Sollihull has existed as a settlement for several hundred years and we know that whites have been living in this area.

5) Use the Above Exercises to practice with your language exchange. You Do not have a language exchange? What are you doing? You must-have one if you Do not have a teacher.

6) Do not forget to learn new vocabulary. Extract all the words you don't know from this article from Newsweek Magazine titled “The Last Witnesses”. Look the new words up in an English-English dictionary like this one .

7) Listen and read this story . You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation. And, for the most daring, read this article from Forbes.

8) Finally, write a story of about 200/250 words using as many sentences like those you have learnt in this unit. You can use examples from the exercises above.

If you have done all these exercises, then you've scored a 10! Well done!


Key to exercise 4:

- US First Lady Michelle Obama is rumoured to have changed her stylist.

- He was thought to be the oldest man in Tokyo.

- Dozens of anti-system activists are said to have been arrested following Friday's protests.

- North Korea is now thought to be producing Scud missiles.

- Solihull has existed as a settlement for several hundred years and the Anglo Saxons are known to have been living in this area.

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Using "Such"


When do I have to use "such"? Is it to emphasize anything that I say about someone or something? More than anything, I generated a few questions ... ***********

Answer: Answer

our partner Andrew Irribarra . Such

is a determinant that is used before a noun or in front of a noun phrase , ie, a phrase whose core and main constituent is a noun . We use mainly, and as you said, to give emphasis , or to exaggerate the degree of greatness of something or someone, but remember, I repeat, is always used before a noun or a part of a sentence nucellus which is a noun .. That's

Such a good movie! - That movie is so good!

In this case there is a very definite translation, but Such, as done here is to emphasize how good the movie.

I really can not UNDERSTAND Such cruelty! - I can not really understand much / such cruelty!

The issue WAS Importance of Such That We Could not ignore it - The issue was of such importance that we could not ignore.

Another of its uses is to make reference to what was mentioned above, also providing a degree of emphasis, meaning "this / these", such as:

I Had no idea about Such issues - I had no idea about such matters.

Also, in the sentence serves as a bridge to what was going to mention, as in these examples, also giving emphasis: The knot WAS

fastened in Such a Way That It Could Be undone! - The knot was fastened in such a way that could not be undone.

The Damage WAS Such That It COSTED millions of dollars to repair - The damage was such that cost millions of dollars to repair.

Here are some simple idioms, but they are always useful to use our vocabulary.

1) ... And Such

basically means "... and so" "... and stuff like that." For example: The center

Offers Different Activities extreme like bungee jumping, hand gliding and Such.

The center offers various extreme sports like bungee jumping, hang gliding and things like that.

2) Such as

means "as is / as such"

The new job is not a promotion Such as, But It Offers more benefits.

The new job is not a promotion as such, but offers more benefits.

3) Such as ...

This sentence is reversed, is used before a list, and means "such as ..." In the U.S.

There Are Many big cities, Such As New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

In the U.S. there are many large cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Hope you my answer has been clear. Any inquiries please write again.

Greetings from Chile, Andrés Irribarra

Contributor to "The Blog to Learn English."

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Language School Tips and resources to overcome the basic level


Hello Monica and greetings to all those co-workers whom I thank greatly for their selfless work with us, the students suffered. I have 41 years and I'm going to enroll in the EOI (Official School of Languages) of my locality, but as I do the placement test I want to know what level is the first course to prepare a little (or a lot more good) to see if I can forward a year, as many people as I have many years dragging the English and something I have a lot of vocabulary and pronunciation, basic listening ...

Finally I want to know what level I have to overcome, I have to go over to take second if possible. Thank you very much for your attention at all, this blog is the very best there is to the network. Dew.

*********** Answer: Answer

our partner José Joaquín Lacárcel:

For such issues, it is best to go to the websites of the EOI, where you will find evaluation criteria and content for the course you see fit. For my review, I will use the EOI for Murcia, but for your location will not change too much. They can be found here:

Evaluation Criteria

Contents The contents and criteria that I'm going to comment, you must acquire and master them with ease in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

For listening, you will be asked to understand simple oral messages and basic explanations, simple basic instructions or indications relating to the area and immediate issues with which you're already familiar with, and recorded short message, delivered with clarity, such as may be small dialogues, notices and announcements related to areas and immediate issues that are already familiar. This always capturing the sense of hearing as a whole, or predictable details.

For reading comprehension, you will be required to capture the communicative purpose, main points, information predictable and specific formal or informal record of short texts in a standard language and contextualized simple, relying on visual information. You can try to texts such as written messages, short and simple, such as may be signs, posters, pamphlets or notes related to immediate areas and themes which are already familiar. Referring to

speaking, you will be asked to participate in short conversations related to common communication situations, given in class, very simple and directed by the interlocutor, speaking slowly and clearly, repeating or reformulating . It is basically to maintain social contact with other partners in everyday communication situations, such as the exchange of information or response to direct questions concerning personal information, habits, etc.

Finally, in terms of writing, you will be asked to provide written information about personal data, fill out simple forms and transcribing information, write text messages and short, simple, everyday aspects relating to specific, appropriate to the circumstances of communication, with a basic organization and cohesion in a neutral record and limited control of language resources such as personal notes, instructions and simple brief descriptions or personal files relating to the area and immediate issues worked in class.

For grammar, would revolve around:


• basic Matches.

• Order of elements.

• affirmative and negative declarative sentences.

• interrogative sentences. Basic question words.

• exclamatory sentences: That's wonderful!; What a pity!; Tc.

• mandatory sentences: Come here!; Do not go out!, Etc.

• Coordination with further links Common: And, But, or, etc..
• Ellipsis: ... sorry?; ... Ok! , Etc.

Name and adjectives

• Gender, number, case and gradation of nouns and adjectives.

• General purpose and some special cases more frequent.

• Position in prayer.

• Consistency between adjacent name.

• Adjectives numerals, cardinal and ordinal.


• Items: shapes, position and consistency with the name.

• Uses most common and default.

• Demonstration: forms and general uses: This, That, These, Thos.

• Possessives: forms and general purposes: Whose, my, your, historical, her, etc.

• Indefinite often used: Some, Any, much, Many, etc..

frequently used • Interrogative: What, which.

pronouns personal pronouns. Functions, forms and common purposes, consistency and position: His, Their, etc.

• demonstrative pronouns, possessive, indefinite, impersonal. Most frequent forms and uses: This, mine, everybody, etc..

verbs • Use the simple present and present continuous, past simple, present perfect and simple future indicative for the functions work.

• Using conditional imperative and the functions work. Most common cases.

• Forms of regular verbs.

• Forms of irregular verbs often used in the studied times.

• Modals: Can, will, etc.

• impersonal forms of the verb be: There is / are.

• Position of elements in the sentence.

• Negative Form of the verb.

Adverbs • frequent expressions of place, time, frequency, amount and method: There, slowly,

early, much, Many, more, always, Every Day, etc..

• Expressions of affirmation and negation: Yes, no, etc.

• Grading the adverb very basic.

• Position the adverb in the sentence.


• Prepositions. Most common forms and applications for

functions described in this course: At, next to, etc..

• Conjunctions and links frequently used for functions that are work: And,

But, so, Because, When, etc.

As for your accent and fluency :

• linguistic markers of social relations.

or Greetings: Hello, Hello, etc.

or forms of treatment: You / You, Lady Louise, Marisa, etc.

or conventions for the turn of words, tell me, etc..

or interjections and phrases interjectional: Vale!, Etc.

• The rules of courtesy. Courtesy

or "positive" show concern for the welfare of a person, express

admiration, affection and gratitude, and so on.: What?; Good!, Etc. Courtesy

or "negative" avoid threatening behavior, apologize for them, etc.:

Sorry, yes, but ..., etc..

• Differences in registration and accents. In the initial level, the appropriate record early learning will be a relatively neutral register. With regard to differences of emphasis, they must adhere strictly to the language use that is profitable.

regarding content and vocabulary, it is best to look at the documents to which you link to the top of the response.

Of course, all this can work from our free course in the blog.

Hope that helps. A greeting and good spirit. José Joaquín


"The Blog to Learn English."

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Unit 32 Level 2 (mid-intermediate-intermediate) It is Said That, He Is Said to, He is supposed to.

Tras las vacaciones de Holy Week continue with our free course. On this occasion, we will deal with a very common structure in English called "impersonal passive".

1) As usual, we start watching a video explanatory. Look at the examples!

2) Let's review the general theory of passive and, in particular, the formation of the "impersonal passive" in this link.

3) some time ago, a blog reader sent us a query on the formation of this type structures. You can see your question and corresponding answer in this post .

4) to assimilate and learn properly this type of passive sentences is very important to practice and see all the examples that we can. Pay close attention to these exercises: Exercise 1


Exercise 2 (solutions)

Exercise 3

Exercise 4 Exercise 5

Exercise 6 Exercise 7

5) If you really want to learn to use these expressions, you should use the exercises in the previous section to practice your trade. If you do not have one, try to enter this page .

6) This week, besides the grammar that you learned in this unit, we will propose you two tracks so you can practice with your exchange: Adoption


7) Vocabulary . These are the topics we selected for this lesson:

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Conditions, Duties, Career and Pay

Remember Wordreference search the meaning of unfamiliar words and make sentences with new words you learn, repeating them aloud. Do not try to memorize the words without first learning its pronunciation Howjsay .

8) is time to practice "listening " and learn more vocabulary Listen to this audio 10 times and try to learn new words by copying them in a notebook along with its pronunciation. To do this, you can turn to page . Do not forget to complete all activities.

9) Finally, write a story using at least 15 sentences that include all the structures you have learned in this lesson. You should check if they are correct phrases like searching Google.

Have you managed to do all the exercises? Sure! Join a 10!

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Unit 32 Level 1 (beginner-low intermediate) It is Said That, He Is Said to, He is supposed to

This week we will learn three very common structures in English: "It is Said That" "He is Said to" and "He is supposed to." In English, this type of construction are equivalent to sentences like "it says," is supposed to, "commented that" etc..

1) Pay close attention to this video Monica and look at the examples. With a little practice, you would not have trouble learning to use this type of sentences.

Remember If you can not see this video, you can convert it to mp3 format using this program or by going this page. Just put the url of the video in the box and get your mp3 file. Remember

is also essential to learn how to pronounce the new words, to do this, enter the terms you do not know on this page and listen to several times their sound.

2) As you can see in the next the blog post, this kind of sentences are called "Impersonal Passives."

You can find more theory in English and here here.

3) Let's practice the structure "He is supposed to" to these exercises: Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Exercise 4

4) Build an impersonal passive sentence from these active sentences:

Does not eat meat
Peter: Peter is Said Not to eat meat / It is Said That Peter Does not eat meat.

a) Julia has 3 children

b) Jim works very hard

c) He is Older Than His brother

d) Mike is historical painting house

e) Many People Are homeless after the earthquake

f) Cars Pollute environment

g) John's cousin is a good football player

h) Organic cosmetics Are safer for Consumers

i) Imitation is the Highest form of
j) The King Punished His Own are

5) Repeat aloud examples of paragraphs 3 and 4. Remember : howjsay always used to know how words sound you do not know. Repeat several times all the examples.

6) This week we will learn vocabulary about the following topics: Tableware and Tools. Do not forget to do the activities!

Look for the meaning of unfamiliar words in

Tip: Keep a record of all you learn new words and their meanings and pronunciation. Then, try to make sentences with those words, do not try to memorize them. How will you know if you did it correctly? Very easy! Just search Google for similar sentences and compare with what you have done.

7) Hear this story and learn it by heart. Note: Remember that the audio from Super Easy Reading of rong-chang can be downloaded by entering in your browser or download manager program like the following addresses: . mp3

Changing the "001" by the number of the lesson you want. As you see, always with 3-digit numbers, completing with zeros on the left.

8) Write a story using 15 sentences as you learned in this lesson. Check they are correct search on Google and comparing them with native phrases.

Have you managed to do all actividades? ¡Enhorabuena! ¡Te has ganado un 10!


Soluciones al ejercicio 4:

a) Julia is said to have 3 children / It is said that Julia has 3 children

b) Jim is said to work very hard / It is said that Jim works very hard

c) He is said to be older than his brother / It is said that he is older than his brother

d) Mike is said to be painting his house / It is said that Mike is painting his house

e) Many people are said to be homeless after the earthquake / It is said that many people are homeless after the earthquake

f) Cars are said to pollute environment / It is said that cars pollute environment

g) John’s cousin is said to be a good football player / It is said that John’s cousin is a good football player

h) Organic cosmetics are said to be safer for consumers / It is said that organic cosmetics are safer for consumers

i) Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery / It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery

j) The King is said to have punished his own son / It is said that The King punished his own son

Friday, April 29, 2011

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Fill out: fill (phrasal verb)

Gente en la FIL to for AUT ucts. In addition, the row had to COMPLETED a form.

FILL OUT / IN: Complete
  • Meaning: a form completely.
  • sounds like: / fɪl / aʊt / click on the link to know how it sounds.
    figured pronunciation: filaut
  • to conjugate: fill out, filled out (Past tense), filled out (past participle).
  • Example: I Had to fill out forms to Many get a visa. (click on the word for how it sounds.) I had to fill out many forms to obtain a visa.
  • Video: In this video we explain how to fill out a form to send money. In this case NOT to do "row" to see the "aut omóviles ."
  • Note: Fill out and Fill in mean the same thing. History
unlikely to remember "fill out "

Fair used vehicles held in Fil Ipina, required COMPLETED a form and make a A FIL to see AUt omóviles. Luckily I was not. See image to the people doing the IDF ay COMPLETED form.

More phrasal verbs:
blow up

break into
bring up
call off
get by

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call off - cancel (phrasal verb)

CALL OFF: Cancel
  • Meaning: cancel / suspend meeting, appointment, strike, search.
  • sounds like: / kɔ: l ɔ: f / (click on the link to learn it sounds)
    figured pronunciation: colof
  • How is conjugated: call off, call off (past tense), call off (past participle)
  • Example: They call off the meeting at the last moment. (click on the word for how it sounds.) cancel the meeting at the last minute.
  • Video: Listen this beautiful song called "Call off the search" (off the search). Look when he says "Now that I've found you I'll call off (colof) the search. "Now that I've found, I will suspend the search. Here you have the lyrics of the song. Does this have anything to do with the" COLOF on "the book was canceled? Read the story below.
  • History
unlikely to remember "call off":

Santillena In the editorial had just published a book when they realized that the colophon (footnote in the book that the name of the printer, place and date print) was wrong, instead of "Santillena" put "Santiballena." The director general called a meeting to CANCEL the COLOF ng. See picture above, when it is canceled COLOF ng.

More phrasal verbs:
blow up

break into
bring up
get by
fill out

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Bring Up-Raising (phrasal verb)

Ideas Pepe said: We Can call the new drink "bring ap". "Bring ap?" Asked Susan

  • meaning "raise" "address" to "educate"
  • How it sounds: / brɪŋ ʌp / (click to see how it sounds)
  • figured pronunciation: bring ap
  • to conjugate: bring up, Brought up (past tense) Brought up (Past participle) raises, raised, raised.
  • Example: I Brought up a very interesting idea at the meeting. (click on the word for how it sounds.) He raised a very interesting idea at the meeting. History
unlikely to remember "bring up" Pepe

Ideas raised a very interesting idea at the meeting, make a new drink that would be called "bringap" and be sold in stores Brin and Gap . See in the picture the moment when ideas Pepe "raised" the new idea.

you Would you like to drink a drink called " bringap" ? Maybe you could ask another good idea for your next meeting.

More phrasal verbs:
blow up

break into
call off
fill out
get by

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Blow Up, Operate (phrasal verb)

Juan Explosives making a new detergent Called "Blou ap"

BLOW UP: Exploiting
  • Meaning "explode."
  • sounds like: / bləʊ ʌp / (click to see how it sounds)
  • figured pronunciation: Blou ap
  • to conjugate: blow up, blew up (past tense), blown up (past participle) operate, exploded, exploded.
  • Example: The building blew up with dynamite the . (click on the word for how it sounds.) The building exploded with dynamite.
  • Video: Watch video of "blow up". Juan explosives were inside. Read her story below. History
unlikely to remember "blow up"

Juan Explosives is a chemist and loves to make new products. He had the idea of \u200b\u200ba new detergent called "Blou ap" . But when the soap came into contact with water exploded. In the picture we see what happened to Juan explosives when he poured water detergent.


More phrasal verbs:
break into
bring up
call off
fill out
get by

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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344. Steps bad dice: ALL ABOUT ...

reason except

consumption and

work, work, work, work, work, work

It is time to correct our wanderings

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

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Unit 31 Level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate) To - For - So That

The weekly lesson of our free course will be dedicated this year to study three connectors that we use to express purpose. It is "to", "for" and "so that".

1) As usual, we will start seeing a video with which we will learn some different types of use that must be taken into account.

Remember If you can not see these videos, you can convert them to mp3 format using this program or by going this page . Just put the url of the video in the box and get your mp3 file.

2) You can see the theory of these structures (in English) here and here. And if you want more information on this subject, do not miss the explanation can be found on this page . Have you learned what two connectors are equivalent to the preposition "to"?

3) continue practicing. Sure you can do all these exercises. Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Exercise 4 Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7 Exercise 8

4) Vocabulary . Look how they sound and what words mean 10/15 not know of this text . Form your own sentences with all these new terms. You should check if the sentences are correct phrases like searching Google. When finished, do not forget to do the activities.

5) You know that to get you really need to learn English conversation practice. Therefore, we recommend that if you do not have an exchange, do not delay in seeking it. To this end, this page may be of help.

If you already have it, he practiced with the structures you have learned in this lesson with these expressions related to the topic "Accidents at Home."

6) 10 times Listen to this audio VOA Special Inglés. Pay close attention to pronunciation and try to learn new words by copying them in a notebook along with its pronunciation. To do this, you can use page.

7) Finally, write a story using at least 10 sentences as you learned in this lesson. If you do not know where to start, perhaps the topic of paragraph 5 can help. You should check if the sentences are correct phrases like searching Google.

If you've managed to complete all activities, fantastic! Join a 10!

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Non - Conclusive Verbs

Please I could or, rather, we could explain the "non Conclusive verbs (applications and examples.)
Of course, thank you very much.

Sincerely, Alejandra


Answer: Answer

our partner Adrian M. .

Hello Alejandra:

What are non-Conclusive verbs?

S. Hornby used this term in articles and books published between the years 40 and 50 to refer to what is now known more as "stative verbs. The author defines "non-Conclusive verbs as a group of verbs denoting physical and mental states, activities and perceptions for which no provision or planning any purpose. These can be grouped mainly in:

- Verbs of perception: see, hear, smell, taste, feel ...

- Verbs denoting mental abilities and activities: Know, Understand, remember, forget, think, believe ... or verbs with similar meanings.

- expressing psychological state verbs: like, love, hate, hope, want, wish, desire, forgive ...

Generally, these verbs are not used in continuous form, but like everything else, there are always exceptions to the rule general.

Our colleague, Virginia Gruart, and tried for some time on the blog the topic of so-called "stative verbs" versus the "dynamic verbs" in a very good post with some examples. I leave you the link to have a look:

not hesitate to get back in touch if you have any doubts.

Regards, Adrian M.

"The Blog to Learn English."

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Featuring - With (differences)


Hello my name is Joseph and I wish I could explain the difference between "featuring" and "with." Thank you. ***********

Answer: Answer

our partner Alberto Lamela.

Grammatically speaking, the difference is very clear: "featuring" a gerund or present participle and "with" is a preposition which almost always translates to if not part of any phrasal verb because then you know that can completely change the meaning.

What happens is that the gerund in English has many applications do not always coincide with English, so we must find an appropriate translation for each case and in the case of "featuring" is sometimes translated as "with" even though their English is not the preposition.

It's a shame that Joseph sent us the example that raises questions to be more specific but I think it may be an example in which the word "featuring" functioning as an adjective. Let's analyze some examples to see how we can translate an English gerund adjective according to English. I will just remind you that the English gerund has mainly two functions: verbal and adverbial but sometimes appears as an adjective (use to which the grammarians do not agree).

The English gerund adjective function has different translations such as adjective adjectival subordinate clause, prepositional phrase ...


1. Also the exhibition contains a group of drawings featuring self-portraits. The exhibition also includes a group of self-portrait drawings.

In this case we might translate as "including" "containing" but to ease the translation that is closer to English translate is chosen as a preposition.

2. A performance featuring artists from all over the world. A show in the acting / participating artists from around the world.

could also say a show with artists from around the world, but for me it is better first choice.

3. This expression also find many albums of artists who work with other performers. Tom Jones featuring ... Tom Jones with / in collaboration with ...

see, the gerund is usually one of the headaches of translators in choosing the best translation and often to ease the translation and avoid duplication is chosen as short and therefore become an adjective ends in a preposition in the final translation. However, although the translation and with matches featuring in many cases, they are expressions to exchange because its grammatical function is completely different.

Prepositions main function to relate the terms of the sentence as a noun, a verb or an adjective.

Regards, Alberto Lamela

Contributor to "The Blog to Learn English."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

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Unit 31 Level 3 (Upper Intermediate - Advanced) To - For - So

This time, Our weekly lesson Will Be Devoted to the study of the so-Called "clauses of purpose”, which are used to show the motivation for some action.

1) First of all, let’s have a look at these videos:

Meanings of the preposition, particle and adverb "to".

Meanings of the preposition “for”.

2) Both “in order to” and “so as to” convey exactly the same meaning than “to” when expressing purpose. Read some theory about the use of these expressions in English and English

3) Let's practice!

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Exercise 5 Exercise 6

Exercise 7 Exercise 8

Exercise 9 Exercise 10

4) Translate Into the Following sentences Inglés:

a) YAG lasers are used mainly for cutting metal and ceramics.

b) I gave a map to Tom so he could find his way to my house.

c) To reduce our national debt in the long term, we must replenish the engine of our economy.

d) To avoid losing money, know exactly the value of your property.

e) The majority of people selling your car is maintained in good condition to get a good resale price.

5) Now it's your duty to practice with your language exchange. Use sentences just like Those You Have Learned. Remember : Make Them sentences and repeat aloud.

6) Let's learn Some vocabulary here. Remember : Listen and repeat. Look the words up in a dictionary when necessary. Once you have finished, don’t forget to do this quiz .

7) Listen and read this story. You should learn all the vocabulary and practice pronunciation. And, for the most daring, read this article from The Economist.

8) Finally, write a story of about 200/250 words using sentences like those we have reviewed in this unit. You can use examples from the videos and exercises above.

If you have done all these exercises, then you've scored a 10! Well done!


Key to exercise 4:

a) YAG lasers are primarily used for cutting metals and ceramics.

b) I gave Tom a map so that he could find the way to my house.

c) In order to reduce our long-term national debt we must refuel the engine of our economy.

d) In order not to lose money, you must know exactly what your property is worth.

e) Most of the people who sell their car keep them in good condition so as to get a good resale price.

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Unit 31 Level 1 (beginner-low intermediate) To - For - So That

1) In this week's lesson we will learn the difference between "to", "for" and "so that" and, three terms that will serve to indicate the purpose of action. We began this video . Notice examples for how to use each.

Remember If you can not watch this video, you can convert it to mp3 using this program or by going this page . Just put the url of the video in the box and you have your mp3 file.

2) Here you will find a comprehensive explanation of the final prayers in English.

3) It's time to put into practice what they've learned so far:

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Exercise 5 Exercise 6

4) To learn to use these expressions in a fluent and correct, you should review and revise. Repeat aloud the examples of previous devices. Remember to search the meaning and pronunciation of words you do not know.

5) continue to learn new vocabulary. This week, topics include: "Actions and Activities "and " Words Related To Marriage ". When you finish the exercises, practice building your own sentences with words that do not know. Have you also learned how they sound? No?: r emember Howjsay always use to listen to their pronunciation.

6) Hear this story and learn it by heart. Note: The audio of Super Easy Reading of rong-chang can be downloaded by entering in your browser or download manager program like the following addresses: / se001.mp3 Changing

"001" for the number of lesson you want. As you see, always with 3-digit numbers, completing with zeros on the left.

7) Write a story using 10 to 15 sentences containing "to", for "and" so that ". Do not forget to check if they had searched on Google and compared to native phrases.

How many points you won today? If you've done all the activities, sign up for a 10. Well done!

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That Could - Be Able To (differences)


Hola, soy Laura y tengo 17 años. Aunque parezca raro, in my school are coming to the issue of "can, Coulda, will, be Able to" and really do not understand anything ...
Well, the "can" and "will" yes I understand them, but "could" and "Be Able to" no.
I'd really explained it to me, because I have fear to the day of the test and do not understand anything.
Many thanks!

*********** Answer:

Take our partner María López.

Hi Laura,

The question you pose is most reasonable since both 'can' and 'Be Able to' be translated into English in a very similar: 'power', 'being able'.

Read carefully all of the following. I assure you it is harder to explain than to understand.

Let's start by establishing a difference between 'can' is a modal verb while 'Be Able to' no. How quickly know? Conjugate the verb 'can': I can, you can, he / she / it can, ... you see? No change! One thing that happens to 'be Able to': I am Able to, You Are Able to, he / she / it is Able to ...

As a general rule you should know that we 'can' to say that something is possible or that someone has the ability to do something.

Eg I can see the park from His bedroom window> He can see the park from his bedroom window I can sing

> I can sing

'Be Able to' can be used in place of 'can' but the latter is more common, more informal. Eg

Inglés Can you speak? or Are you Able to speak Inglés? > Do you speak English?

is often used in combination with other auxiliaries:

Eg Will You Be Able to arrive here on time? > Will he time?

When using one or the other? 'Can' is only two ways: 'can' (present) and 'could' (past). In addition, modal verbs can not be used in all tenses is here it will be necessary to use 'Be Able to'.

Eg I can not eat> I can not eat

Eg I Have not Been Able to eat> I could not eat
special interest ' could' . Focus on it.

'Could'se used to express possibility or ability in the past, to make suggestions or requests. Study the following examples:

-Ability: I Would if I Could you help> it help if I could

-Skill: My grandfather Could Speak two languages> My grandfather spoke 2 languages \u200b\u200b

-Tip: You Could at least try doing it this way> could at least try to do so

-request: Could you sign here, please? > Would you (or would) sign here, please?

'Could' as possible (which is where your confusion) expresses a general ability . However, if we talk about something that happened in a particular situation, we will use 'was / were Able to'. NO 'could'. Eg

There Was a heavy storm But We Were Able to get it started raining Before home. NO 'could arrive'> was a strong storm, but we managed to get home before it started to rain.

Know that its negative form 'Could not / Could' can be used EVER. Eg

We could not get it started raining Home Before> We did not get home ...

We use 'could' ...

- ... with verbs related to the senses: see, hear, taste, feel, remember, or understand.

Eg I Could Understand What You Asked> understood what you asked me - ... to indicate that someone has the general ability or permission to do something

Eg Could I swim When He Was 2> swam with 2 years . Eg

We Were Free. We Could Do What we wanted. > We were free. We could do what we wanted.

expect to resolve your concerns.

Regards, María López

collaborator "The Blog to Learn English."

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