Friday, April 29, 2011

Motorola Rival Saying Unable To Capture Image

Bring Up-Raising (phrasal verb)

Ideas Pepe said: We Can call the new drink "bring ap". "Bring ap?" Asked Susan

  • meaning "raise" "address" to "educate"
  • How it sounds: / brɪŋ ʌp / (click to see how it sounds)
  • figured pronunciation: bring ap
  • to conjugate: bring up, Brought up (past tense) Brought up (Past participle) raises, raised, raised.
  • Example: I Brought up a very interesting idea at the meeting. (click on the word for how it sounds.) He raised a very interesting idea at the meeting. History
unlikely to remember "bring up" Pepe

Ideas raised a very interesting idea at the meeting, make a new drink that would be called "bringap" and be sold in stores Brin and Gap . See in the picture the moment when ideas Pepe "raised" the new idea.

you Would you like to drink a drink called " bringap" ? Maybe you could ask another good idea for your next meeting.

More phrasal verbs:
blow up

break into
call off
fill out
get by


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