Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tooth Cavity Drill Holes

Unit 32 Level 1 (beginner-low intermediate) It is Said That, He Is Said to, He is supposed to

This week we will learn three very common structures in English: "It is Said That" "He is Said to" and "He is supposed to." In English, this type of construction are equivalent to sentences like "it says," is supposed to, "commented that" etc..

1) Pay close attention to this video Monica and look at the examples. With a little practice, you would not have trouble learning to use this type of sentences.

Remember If you can not see this video, you can convert it to mp3 format using this program or by going this page. Just put the url of the video in the box and get your mp3 file. Remember

is also essential to learn how to pronounce the new words, to do this, enter the terms you do not know on this page and listen to several times their sound.

2) As you can see in the next the blog post, this kind of sentences are called "Impersonal Passives."

You can find more theory in English and here here.

3) Let's practice the structure "He is supposed to" to these exercises: Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Exercise 4

4) Build an impersonal passive sentence from these active sentences:

Does not eat meat
Peter: Peter is Said Not to eat meat / It is Said That Peter Does not eat meat.

a) Julia has 3 children

b) Jim works very hard

c) He is Older Than His brother

d) Mike is historical painting house

e) Many People Are homeless after the earthquake

f) Cars Pollute environment

g) John's cousin is a good football player

h) Organic cosmetics Are safer for Consumers

i) Imitation is the Highest form of
j) The King Punished His Own are

5) Repeat aloud examples of paragraphs 3 and 4. Remember : howjsay always used to know how words sound you do not know. Repeat several times all the examples.

6) This week we will learn vocabulary about the following topics: Tableware and Tools. Do not forget to do the activities!

Look for the meaning of unfamiliar words in

Tip: Keep a record of all you learn new words and their meanings and pronunciation. Then, try to make sentences with those words, do not try to memorize them. How will you know if you did it correctly? Very easy! Just search Google for similar sentences and compare with what you have done.

7) Hear this story and learn it by heart. Note: Remember that the audio from Super Easy Reading of rong-chang can be downloaded by entering in your browser or download manager program like the following addresses: . mp3

Changing the "001" by the number of the lesson you want. As you see, always with 3-digit numbers, completing with zeros on the left.

8) Write a story using 15 sentences as you learned in this lesson. Check they are correct search on Google and comparing them with native phrases.

Have you managed to do all actividades? ¡Enhorabuena! ¡Te has ganado un 10!


Soluciones al ejercicio 4:

a) Julia is said to have 3 children / It is said that Julia has 3 children

b) Jim is said to work very hard / It is said that Jim works very hard

c) He is said to be older than his brother / It is said that he is older than his brother

d) Mike is said to be painting his house / It is said that Mike is painting his house

e) Many people are said to be homeless after the earthquake / It is said that many people are homeless after the earthquake

f) Cars are said to pollute environment / It is said that cars pollute environment

g) John’s cousin is said to be a good football player / It is said that John’s cousin is a good football player

h) Organic cosmetics are said to be safer for consumers / It is said that organic cosmetics are safer for consumers

i) Imitation is said to be the highest form of flattery / It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery

j) The King is said to have punished his own son / It is said that The King punished his own son


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