Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sandal Scholl Malaysia

Unit 31 Level 2 (Intermediate-Mid-intermediate) To - For - So That

The weekly lesson of our free course will be dedicated this year to study three connectors that we use to express purpose. It is "to", "for" and "so that".

1) As usual, we will start seeing a video with which we will learn some different types of use that must be taken into account.

Remember If you can not see these videos, you can convert them to mp3 format using this program or by going this page . Just put the url of the video in the box and get your mp3 file.

2) You can see the theory of these structures (in English) here and here. And if you want more information on this subject, do not miss the explanation can be found on this page . Have you learned what two connectors are equivalent to the preposition "to"?

3) continue practicing. Sure you can do all these exercises. Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Exercise 4 Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7 Exercise 8

4) Vocabulary . Look how they sound and what words mean 10/15 not know of this text . Form your own sentences with all these new terms. You should check if the sentences are correct phrases like searching Google. When finished, do not forget to do the activities.

5) You know that to get you really need to learn English conversation practice. Therefore, we recommend that if you do not have an exchange, do not delay in seeking it. To this end, this page may be of help.

If you already have it, he practiced with the structures you have learned in this lesson with these expressions related to the topic "Accidents at Home."

6) 10 times Listen to this audio VOA Special Inglés. Pay close attention to pronunciation and try to learn new words by copying them in a notebook along with its pronunciation. To do this, you can use page.

7) Finally, write a story using at least 10 sentences as you learned in this lesson. If you do not know where to start, perhaps the topic of paragraph 5 can help. You should check if the sentences are correct phrases like searching Google.

If you've managed to complete all activities, fantastic! Join a 10!


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