Saturday, April 30, 2011

How To Transfer Pokemon From The Computer

Language School Tips and resources to overcome the basic level


Hello Monica and greetings to all those co-workers whom I thank greatly for their selfless work with us, the students suffered. I have 41 years and I'm going to enroll in the EOI (Official School of Languages) of my locality, but as I do the placement test I want to know what level is the first course to prepare a little (or a lot more good) to see if I can forward a year, as many people as I have many years dragging the English and something I have a lot of vocabulary and pronunciation, basic listening ...

Finally I want to know what level I have to overcome, I have to go over to take second if possible. Thank you very much for your attention at all, this blog is the very best there is to the network. Dew.

*********** Answer: Answer

our partner José Joaquín Lacárcel:

For such issues, it is best to go to the websites of the EOI, where you will find evaluation criteria and content for the course you see fit. For my review, I will use the EOI for Murcia, but for your location will not change too much. They can be found here:

Evaluation Criteria

Contents The contents and criteria that I'm going to comment, you must acquire and master them with ease in the four basic skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

For listening, you will be asked to understand simple oral messages and basic explanations, simple basic instructions or indications relating to the area and immediate issues with which you're already familiar with, and recorded short message, delivered with clarity, such as may be small dialogues, notices and announcements related to areas and immediate issues that are already familiar. This always capturing the sense of hearing as a whole, or predictable details.

For reading comprehension, you will be required to capture the communicative purpose, main points, information predictable and specific formal or informal record of short texts in a standard language and contextualized simple, relying on visual information. You can try to texts such as written messages, short and simple, such as may be signs, posters, pamphlets or notes related to immediate areas and themes which are already familiar. Referring to

speaking, you will be asked to participate in short conversations related to common communication situations, given in class, very simple and directed by the interlocutor, speaking slowly and clearly, repeating or reformulating . It is basically to maintain social contact with other partners in everyday communication situations, such as the exchange of information or response to direct questions concerning personal information, habits, etc.

Finally, in terms of writing, you will be asked to provide written information about personal data, fill out simple forms and transcribing information, write text messages and short, simple, everyday aspects relating to specific, appropriate to the circumstances of communication, with a basic organization and cohesion in a neutral record and limited control of language resources such as personal notes, instructions and simple brief descriptions or personal files relating to the area and immediate issues worked in class.

For grammar, would revolve around:


• basic Matches.

• Order of elements.

• affirmative and negative declarative sentences.

• interrogative sentences. Basic question words.

• exclamatory sentences: That's wonderful!; What a pity!; Tc.

• mandatory sentences: Come here!; Do not go out!, Etc.

• Coordination with further links Common: And, But, or, etc..
• Ellipsis: ... sorry?; ... Ok! , Etc.

Name and adjectives

• Gender, number, case and gradation of nouns and adjectives.

• General purpose and some special cases more frequent.

• Position in prayer.

• Consistency between adjacent name.

• Adjectives numerals, cardinal and ordinal.


• Items: shapes, position and consistency with the name.

• Uses most common and default.

• Demonstration: forms and general uses: This, That, These, Thos.

• Possessives: forms and general purposes: Whose, my, your, historical, her, etc.

• Indefinite often used: Some, Any, much, Many, etc..

frequently used • Interrogative: What, which.

pronouns personal pronouns. Functions, forms and common purposes, consistency and position: His, Their, etc.

• demonstrative pronouns, possessive, indefinite, impersonal. Most frequent forms and uses: This, mine, everybody, etc..

verbs • Use the simple present and present continuous, past simple, present perfect and simple future indicative for the functions work.

• Using conditional imperative and the functions work. Most common cases.

• Forms of regular verbs.

• Forms of irregular verbs often used in the studied times.

• Modals: Can, will, etc.

• impersonal forms of the verb be: There is / are.

• Position of elements in the sentence.

• Negative Form of the verb.

Adverbs • frequent expressions of place, time, frequency, amount and method: There, slowly,

early, much, Many, more, always, Every Day, etc..

• Expressions of affirmation and negation: Yes, no, etc.

• Grading the adverb very basic.

• Position the adverb in the sentence.


• Prepositions. Most common forms and applications for

functions described in this course: At, next to, etc..

• Conjunctions and links frequently used for functions that are work: And,

But, so, Because, When, etc.

As for your accent and fluency :

• linguistic markers of social relations.

or Greetings: Hello, Hello, etc.

or forms of treatment: You / You, Lady Louise, Marisa, etc.

or conventions for the turn of words, tell me, etc..

or interjections and phrases interjectional: Vale!, Etc.

• The rules of courtesy. Courtesy

or "positive" show concern for the welfare of a person, express

admiration, affection and gratitude, and so on.: What?; Good!, Etc. Courtesy

or "negative" avoid threatening behavior, apologize for them, etc.:

Sorry, yes, but ..., etc..

• Differences in registration and accents. In the initial level, the appropriate record early learning will be a relatively neutral register. With regard to differences of emphasis, they must adhere strictly to the language use that is profitable.

regarding content and vocabulary, it is best to look at the documents to which you link to the top of the response.

Of course, all this can work from our free course in the blog.

Hope that helps. A greeting and good spirit. José Joaquín


"The Blog to Learn English."


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