Sunday, April 10, 2011

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Unit 30 Level 2 (mid-intermediate-intermediate) If I Had Known

The lesson of this week will be dedicated to the review of two structures that will use the "past perfect." On the one hand, we study the conditional third type, namely those that allow us to express past actions or events that we can not change and, secondly, a structure which we introduced last week: "wish + past perfect" .

1) We will begin viewing this video explanation in English on the use of conditional the third kind. Pay close attention to the structure, variants and examples.

2) this post In the blog you can read the theory on this type of conditionals. To review the structure "wish + past perfect", you can go to this page .

3) is time to put into practice what you've learned so far with these exercises: Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Exercise 3

Exercise 4 Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7 Exercise 8

4) Remember that it is necessary to practice the "listening" every day. Listen to this audio and complete the exercises.

5) Vocabulary.

Topics this week include: "Taking A Road Trip" and "Marriage and Divorce" . Search the meaning of unfamiliar words and make sentences with new words you learn, repeating in aloud. Do not try to memorize the words without first learning its pronunciation .

6) Now, let's practice read and learn more vocabulary with this interesting article by VOA Special Inglés. Listen to the audio 10 times and record in your notebook the meanings and pronunciation of words you do not know.

7) Finally, write a story using at least 15 sentences like those we've reviewed in this lesson. You should check if the sentences are correct phrases like searching Google.

Have you managed to do all activities? If so, congratulations!. You have earned a 10.


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