Sunday, April 17, 2011

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Featuring - With (differences)


Hello my name is Joseph and I wish I could explain the difference between "featuring" and "with." Thank you. ***********

Answer: Answer

our partner Alberto Lamela.

Grammatically speaking, the difference is very clear: "featuring" a gerund or present participle and "with" is a preposition which almost always translates to if not part of any phrasal verb because then you know that can completely change the meaning.

What happens is that the gerund in English has many applications do not always coincide with English, so we must find an appropriate translation for each case and in the case of "featuring" is sometimes translated as "with" even though their English is not the preposition.

It's a shame that Joseph sent us the example that raises questions to be more specific but I think it may be an example in which the word "featuring" functioning as an adjective. Let's analyze some examples to see how we can translate an English gerund adjective according to English. I will just remind you that the English gerund has mainly two functions: verbal and adverbial but sometimes appears as an adjective (use to which the grammarians do not agree).

The English gerund adjective function has different translations such as adjective adjectival subordinate clause, prepositional phrase ...


1. Also the exhibition contains a group of drawings featuring self-portraits. The exhibition also includes a group of self-portrait drawings.

In this case we might translate as "including" "containing" but to ease the translation that is closer to English translate is chosen as a preposition.

2. A performance featuring artists from all over the world. A show in the acting / participating artists from around the world.

could also say a show with artists from around the world, but for me it is better first choice.

3. This expression also find many albums of artists who work with other performers. Tom Jones featuring ... Tom Jones with / in collaboration with ...

see, the gerund is usually one of the headaches of translators in choosing the best translation and often to ease the translation and avoid duplication is chosen as short and therefore become an adjective ends in a preposition in the final translation. However, although the translation and with matches featuring in many cases, they are expressions to exchange because its grammatical function is completely different.

Prepositions main function to relate the terms of the sentence as a noun, a verb or an adjective.

Regards, Alberto Lamela

Contributor to "The Blog to Learn English."


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