Sunday, April 17, 2011

1988 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe For Sal

Non - Conclusive Verbs

Please I could or, rather, we could explain the "non Conclusive verbs (applications and examples.)
Of course, thank you very much.

Sincerely, Alejandra


Answer: Answer

our partner Adrian M. .

Hello Alejandra:

What are non-Conclusive verbs?

S. Hornby used this term in articles and books published between the years 40 and 50 to refer to what is now known more as "stative verbs. The author defines "non-Conclusive verbs as a group of verbs denoting physical and mental states, activities and perceptions for which no provision or planning any purpose. These can be grouped mainly in:

- Verbs of perception: see, hear, smell, taste, feel ...

- Verbs denoting mental abilities and activities: Know, Understand, remember, forget, think, believe ... or verbs with similar meanings.

- expressing psychological state verbs: like, love, hate, hope, want, wish, desire, forgive ...

Generally, these verbs are not used in continuous form, but like everything else, there are always exceptions to the rule general.

Our colleague, Virginia Gruart, and tried for some time on the blog the topic of so-called "stative verbs" versus the "dynamic verbs" in a very good post with some examples. I leave you the link to have a look:

not hesitate to get back in touch if you have any doubts.

Regards, Adrian M.

"The Blog to Learn English."


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