Saturday, April 30, 2011

Suspension Snowmobile

Using "Such"


When do I have to use "such"? Is it to emphasize anything that I say about someone or something? More than anything, I generated a few questions ... ***********

Answer: Answer

our partner Andrew Irribarra . Such

is a determinant that is used before a noun or in front of a noun phrase , ie, a phrase whose core and main constituent is a noun . We use mainly, and as you said, to give emphasis , or to exaggerate the degree of greatness of something or someone, but remember, I repeat, is always used before a noun or a part of a sentence nucellus which is a noun .. That's

Such a good movie! - That movie is so good!

In this case there is a very definite translation, but Such, as done here is to emphasize how good the movie.

I really can not UNDERSTAND Such cruelty! - I can not really understand much / such cruelty!

The issue WAS Importance of Such That We Could not ignore it - The issue was of such importance that we could not ignore.

Another of its uses is to make reference to what was mentioned above, also providing a degree of emphasis, meaning "this / these", such as:

I Had no idea about Such issues - I had no idea about such matters.

Also, in the sentence serves as a bridge to what was going to mention, as in these examples, also giving emphasis: The knot WAS

fastened in Such a Way That It Could Be undone! - The knot was fastened in such a way that could not be undone.

The Damage WAS Such That It COSTED millions of dollars to repair - The damage was such that cost millions of dollars to repair.

Here are some simple idioms, but they are always useful to use our vocabulary.

1) ... And Such

basically means "... and so" "... and stuff like that." For example: The center

Offers Different Activities extreme like bungee jumping, hand gliding and Such.

The center offers various extreme sports like bungee jumping, hang gliding and things like that.

2) Such as

means "as is / as such"

The new job is not a promotion Such as, But It Offers more benefits.

The new job is not a promotion as such, but offers more benefits.

3) Such as ...

This sentence is reversed, is used before a list, and means "such as ..." In the U.S.

There Are Many big cities, Such As New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

In the U.S. there are many large cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Hope you my answer has been clear. Any inquiries please write again.

Greetings from Chile, Andrés Irribarra

Contributor to "The Blog to Learn English."


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